Travelodge in Langley BC
Apparently shitty-altho-clean hotel rooms are $200 now?
Jesus, this place would have been $85 in Campbell River as recently as you like.
That’s the whole review. My friend read somewhere that there was a pool which is why a room was booked at all for the visit, and this place takes full payment with the booking so when it turned out there was no pool, said friend was too shy and locked-in-already about it to demand a refund and stay at my gf’s house for $0. Hell, give me the $200 next time, I’m extorting you now for the backrub you’re going to want from her.

Amazingly, there is SOME carpet. It’s entirely lacking in softness or insulating factor, so what is the point?
This can’t be good feng shui, with the beds perpendicular to the TV? Maybe I’m wrong. The WiFi works well enough for Netflix on a laptop though, so I passed out while the others watched Pacific Rim again for $200 because there was no pool.
$200 😮💨😩
Nice sexccessibility bar, should have just rallied and fucked in here in the morning. Might have helped the overall impression of the place. It’s just so not-my-preference, writing bad reviews. Like, if I had to pick, this part? Where I’m mean and there’s some kind of catharsis? So fully isn’t more fun than the place not sucking ass to begin with.
Glad it wasn’t MY $200, like, FUCK. That’s a friend of mine, assholes! That’s a taxpaying teacher you’re ripping off! Screw these guys, this is me advocating for federally-funded hostels in every major population centre. Defund the police, or, reframe a part of their jobs as departments almost entirely so some of them are functioning more like bouncer/socialworkers for these free-to-access/PWYC places of lodging.
Just saying! Pilot-study it, I bet it reduces night-crime, dickweeds!
In closing have this last pic:

We forgot to leave a tip for the “maids” I’m just realizing. It’s not their fault the place sucks even if 100% of the exorbitant price relative to similar places does go directly to their hourlies (which it absolutely doesn’t, I’m certain); I’m sorry I didn’t leave something, because it’s just nice to treat people who have shitty jobs. I doubt their wage is even as good as a teacher’s and they handle way more biohazard every shift.
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