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Here is a map outlining our targets as I see them (marked with the red balloon icon; EGGBOMB, Twins Coffee and Cora are, let’s say, honourable mentions…Poseidon is another thing, the review for them is over here)

The westernmost option is Corner Cafe, which absolutely gives diner menu but doesn’t really give diner ambiance.  Very serene atmosphere, quiet even.  Very cozy, very cute.  A little “upscale” (clean and mildly modern/bougie) for my taste, but the food is really firing on all cylinders and the sweetheart Mom & Pop vibes can’t be beat. (Click thumbnail for fullsize image.)

Wholesome, but no really cheap options

For me this place is a 3.5/5…I trust the emo furry art implicitly but the overall vibe is a little sleepy.  This is a place where you whisper.  It feels rude to break the stillness, somehow.  Not my personal ideal diner scenario.

The first option up on 62 Ave is Delphi Cafe, which, watch this space for a rating, haven’t been there yet ;p


In the middle of a strip of truckstop options (between the Fraser HWY and HWY 1) up on 62 Ave is Roadrunner Restaurant, review also pending.  Very exciting neon sign though…definitely gives ICONIC and Local Institution.


Last in line on 62 and definitely in the hinterlands of Langley proper, is The Best Grill.  I had to check this place out first, mainly because when you search maps for diners in Langley, not all of the places I would deem “diners,” populate the list, but this one does.  Take the family-owned vibes of Corner Cafe but sand off the relaxed pace and unmuffle the kitchen clamor.  It has vinyl booth seats, which is extremely crucial.  Kind of a hike from the core of Langley, but, worth it for the vibe.

[full review]

This place is a definite 4/5

We’re looping southward now into the core of Langley’s charming (small, walkable) downtown, where there is a cluster of likely diner options; a trio of winners, even.  Who knows–I’ve only been to two of them! We’re ignoring Hot & Toasty for now! I’m sorry! Check back!

Leaving the grand dame for next (last), for now let’s discuss Katy’s Restaurant.

Found in a time-capsule strip mall sandwiched between the bandshell park and the 2 blocks of downtown core, this place is a treat, definitely the hip option for a quiet tête-à-tête.

Amazing strip-mall vibes, have we teleported to Toronto?

Of note is the massive collection of stuffed animals greeting customers:

The wall of friends

Another highlight is the collection of custom posters lining the halls leading to the bathroom:

This place is a gem, and a bit of a hoot.  Gonna have to give it a 4.5/5, certified fresh 👌

The grand finale has to be Brogan’s Diner.  For those familiar with brunch culture on the island, this place is the Floyd’s of Langley.

A retro extravaganza in the heart of Langley, THE anytime option, Brogan’s.

Since moving to Langley last winter, its definitely become the place to beat; let me enter some items into evidence, should it please the court:

My favorite portion of the Brogan’s menu…PS the party platter is $31 now:

Of note here are the Toonie Fries (!!!🚨DEAL ALERT 🚨!!!)

Brogan’s toonie fries portion size: hearty!

I’ve also ordered the baked potato because it’s a filling portion for under $10 for lunch, which is like, remember the 90’s?  Note that the bacon is real bacon, it’s optional:

The Brogan’s loaded baked potato, fixings on the side
Receipt for my lunch aka portrait of a cheapskate

Another major selling point is the TVs playing interesting old movies with captions on (making it possible to look up the script and find out the title, identify the actors etc), and the conversation-obscuring/vibe-enlivening golden oldies (always shazaming things that sound like they showed up on a Wes Anderson or Tarantino soundtrack, here…in fact put a pin in that thought) being played comfortably loudly throughout the winding interior.  Which, the decor is another selling point:

Love these mannequins of Marilyn and Elvis, what a joyously campy choice, to give them a permanent booth together


They have this weird game machine in the back, what is this, look at these funky little guys!


Exciting capsule machine options

In the picture above you can see the boozy milkshake menu in the background, which brings us back to that pin we put in “Tarantino vibes”; these milkshakes are expensive but a worthy splurge, especially if you’re here to treat a date, or yourself.  My gf is trying them all one by one.  They’re always done up pretty.  (Have to dig up those pictures.)

There’s some indication that the venue potential is being tapped:

It’s giving lowkey community hub.

Gloriously divey bathrooms not shown 😂 going into the back has a “journey into the kobold’s dungeon” quality.

This place is a distinctive asset to the town IMO for its generous offer of $2 fries and the cheerful ambiance; having just the right coffee break option is critical to one’s urban wellbeing.  6/5.

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